Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Some photos

The new do.... At least I like it, in case I don't lose it!

The newest pilot in the family.

Trying on clothes for Chinese New Year. Of course she went with the other one... it is pink!

Recent News

There isn't much to report at the moment. Everyday is filled with appointments and bloodwork. We are all hanging in there. Most of the time we are smiling and laughing. For a long time, I have felt like being sick has been my full time occupation, along with being Mommy, of course. My new occupation is getting well. It is far preferable to being sick.

My counts dropped very low last week, and then came right back up. This is good news, it means my bone marrow is responding the way we want it to. The plan is to continue to do bloodwork at least 2 times a week and make the decision the day of my next chemo as to the dose. It looks like we will be able to increase, but who knows. I feel like a bunch of unstable dynamite sometimes. Kah Pow!

Today I have an appointment with my GP to check on how my kidneys are handling the chemo/IVIg mix. And tomorrow we are checking my iron levels and other blood counts with the hemo/onc group. I think I have Thursday off and then Friday is an appointment with my Neurologist followed by an IVIg. Another IVIg Monday. Tuesday is my surgery follow-up plus another bloodcount check. I am tired just thinking about it. You know what? I can't beleive this, but I haven't missed one appointment through this whole thing. Thank God for a calendar in my purse. The offices calling to remind me helps too. LOL. This is all just temporary. I am going to be WELL!!!! In the end, all this will be forgotten, and I will be able to ski and run and sing in the church chior again. And go back to school to finish my interpreting degree! Imagine. Once I am well all the energy that I have been expending on getting better can be redirected. I will be able to do anything! Yippee!!!!

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