Sunday, July 27, 2008

Something New!

These are some photos from our recent trip up to North Conway to meet and take a ride with Thomas the Train! The kids were so thrilled with this wonderful adventure that Nannie and GrandDad searched out and treated the whole family to! (I am putting my money on Nannie being the primary researcher of this one!) Thank you Nana and Grandy!!

If you are a subscriber to the blog, I am not sure if you will be able to see the video through your email. Please visit the website at if you can't see it in your regular email.

Thank you all for your continued prayers. The heat is really doing an number on me, and Jason and I are just doing our darnedest to keep positive and remember that the summer has always been hard, and if it were this hot and humid last year, I would have been hanging out in ICU. Now I am pretty much living a normal life of a mom of 2 with a very busy, extremely loving husband who cares for us all dearly but still has to earn a living! The darn MG has popped it's head out in the last week or so, but things aren't getting significantly worse, so I am just going to hang in there. Dr. Logan will be getting a call, and Exeter Hospital will have a happy little visitor this coming week if things don't improve tomorrow. I have been doing so well, and it is hard to see any backslide, but we need to stay positive. This chemo is going to work. Maybe it will take a little longer. Maybe I just need to be honest about it not giving us a cure, but making me better. I still want it to be a cure. I plan on it being a cure. Why not plan on a future where the hospital and all the drugs don't decide my hairstyle? :)

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