Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Sun Will Come Out

Hi everyone!  Thank you all for continuing to think of and pray for me and my family.  I know that many of you have been wondering why I haven't written here more often, and I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the encouragment (both in my health and my writing!).

I have been writing just about everyday on my new blog at  I would love to invite you and anyone you think might be interested to join me at the new address. 

I do plan on continuing to write here, but I haven't had the time or energy to dedicate to truly do the subject of living with MG justice.  In the next few days I am going to sit down to review the roller coaster of treatments, good days, bad days and great days.  My local neurologist is consulting with the guru down in Boston to decide how we should proceed as I have been getting more and more and higher and higher doses of steroids that aren't holding the symptoms at bay for more than a day or two. 

It is always an emotional challenge to review the days spent in treatment, but it will be well worth it if we can update my treatment plan and hopefully reduce some of the meds.  I'll keep you posted- and as always, thank you for your thoughts and prayers, and please feel free to share my blogs with anyone you think might be interested or who might benefit from my story!!!   

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