Wednesday, December 19, 2007

But you look so good!

My new thought whenever anyone says how great I look: How fantastic could I look if I hadn't been sick and taking every drug under the sun for the past 14 years. I am thinking I could be a super model by now. HA. Not that I want anyone to stop telling me I look good- I appreciate the thoughts very much.

I am glad that I waited to update everyone, because things were extremely complex, and there were theories flying all over the place. I think it might have been kind of concerning for all of you. And, quite frankly, I didn't feel like thinking about it for a while.

Jason and I met with the hematologist/oncologist last Tuesday, and he went ahead and drew MORE blood, if you can believe that. I swear, they must have filled up 10 viles. The hemo/onc is very nice, and more importantly, he is very thorough. Jason and I both got a good feeling from him and are looking forward to working with him.

The good thing is that the ruled out several very nasty virus' and blood disorders that could have been causing the anemia. At the moment, we are watching my blood counts very closely. I am scheduled for a bone marrow biopsy on Friday, but that might not happen if my numbers keep coming up. Yesterday was the first time they have risen in over 2 months! So I might be getting an early Christmas present and not need the biopsy. I will be in early Friday for tests, and then scheduled for the biopsy at 9:30. Keep your fingers crossed.

Last week I had an IVIg on Friday, and for the first time since I stopped the cyclosporin, I really feel like it helped. I am still pretty far from perfect, but I feel much better than I did. I am chopping at the bit to get going on the cytoxan. It is kind of amazing. I am still weak, and I feel it at night, but I am moving around like the energizer bunny during the day. Guess that is what oxygen to the brain will do for you. As always, I am doing my best to not over-do-it. That is a pretty tall order for someone with my personality and two little kids at Christmas time!

There is another thought on the anemia, and I went and saw my GYN yesterday to explore that. She did a biopsy to rule out cancer (which we are pretty certain it is NOT), and I am scheduled for something called an endometrial ablation at the beginning of January. I hope everyone can understand, but I will likely keep further information on that to myself. There are times when sharing all this information with everyone becomes too much for me- I feel exposed. that is really saying something for a woman who is constantly being poked and prodded by doctors and nurses. I don't know, there is just something odd about the whole world knowing when I get my period and things like that.

As always, thank you all for taking the time to check in on me, and thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers. I will do my very best to update the blog before Christmas- maybe after the events on Friday if I am up to it. Our family hopes that you are all having a wonderful holiday season.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We Love You So Much!!! Please know you are all in our thoughts! I love you!