Saturday, May 24, 2008

Chemo Rocks

The new family vehicle!!!

How cool is that?

Katherine lost her first tooth!

I sent an email to a good friend the other day explaining why I have been out of touch the last few weeks. When things are bad around here, I sometimes just don't have the energy to talk/write about what is happening. Of course bad things turn around, and then I am feeling so good that I just don't feel like talking/writing about what is happening! I guess I am just tired of the whole mess. Darn it is good to start feeling better, though! Chemo rocks.

My doctors are finally agreeing with me that I am getting better. I had chemo last Friday. I am so grateful to everyone who continues to wrap me in my blue blanket of love. Positive energy is exactly what I need. In fact, I stayed on top of the nausea this time by taking the meds before I felt sick instead of after- huge improvement. I am tolerating the chemo very well, and thankfully for me, I actually feel less ill than I did on some of the other meds I have taken over the last 14 years. The fatigue is pretty insane, but since the MG is better, I am doing fine with that. It is all relative. I am certainly not saying chemo is a walk in the park, but I have gotten a lot of perspective on how truly sick I have been in the past.

The plan is to stick to the 2 IVIg treatments every 2 weeks for a month and then reassess. We don't want to push too hard and then end up back peddling. Both Dr. Logan (neurology) and Dr. Buff (oncology/hematology) see my improvements and are very pleased with how I am tolerating the chemotherapy. The biggest issue is when my blood counts drop- they really bottom out! So I have to be extremely careful 2 weeks out of the month (and just plain old careful the other 2 weeks)! I can't wait until it is safe for me to eat salad and fresh fruit again- the risk of bacteria is too big for me right now.

Last Thursday, Dr. Logan's medical coordinator called me to confirm my appointment on Friday. She was all freaked out because I was very out of breath when I answered the phone. I could hear in her voice- panic!!! She said, "oh, claire are you okay?" I was confused for a second and then said, "Oh! I am fine just finishing my 45 minutes on the stairmaster"! I guess I am getting better, huh? As I said, chemo rocks!!!


Michelle said...

You're my hero AND I love you (even though you got a VW ;-)

Keep rockin!!
xoxo M & the boys

Jess said...

Woooooow on the new family vehicle...and the shit eating grin on Jason's face!!! LOVE IT!

Jess said...

And I'm so happy you're doing well. Michelle's right, you are rockin! love you!