Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My Blue Dog

I mentioned in the last blog entry that the kids and I went up to visit my folks last week. While we were getting ready to leave, I was packing up the car and making lunches and a dinner to drop off at base for Jason. The kids were out on the driveway playing, and I was listening and checking them constantly. Here I am at the stove, in the middle of my Swedish meatballs and I hear them laughing away. My thoughts immediately went to how wonderful it is for them to have each other, and "thank God the two of them are getting along- this second anyway"! They were giggling and playing with chalk and the hose. And little Maggie was sitting out there enjoying the warm driveway on her naked belly.

After a few minutes, they come trooping inside holding their hands up in the air like 2 surgeons. "Mommy, we need to wash our hands". If you wet chalk enough, it becomes like paste/paint and makes really bright marks on the driveway (or the house or car, by the way). I was giggling right along with them, happy to see them so full of joy. Into the bathroom they marched and while they are washing their hands, Katherine says, "you think this is bad, wait until you see Maggie!"..... I was thinking, "wait, WHAT?" LOL... I rushed out the door to check on my poor pug. Well, as you might have already guessed- we had one very blue dog. Blue face, blue tail, blue ears, even a blue belly. One very blue dog. There was my poor little blue dog looking at me with those huge pug eyes. You could practically hear her whimpering, "maaaaamaaaaaaaa, they made me BLUE. Please, DO something." It took 4 shampoos to get it all off. I was laughing so hard the whole time my stomach actually hurt the next day.

If anyone ever questions the sweet, calm nature of Maggie, I will be reminding them that the dog just sat there while my silly mischievous children painted her entire body blue. They rubbed their hands in the "paint" and then just rubbed it all over her, so it got all the way down to her little skin! I am still laughing about it. One day I will be telling my grandchildren this story- give them some ideas! Being a grandparent is going to be the BEST!

Yup. The dog is blue. The picture doesn't do it justice. Maggie was hiding the part that was the bluest. I couldn't get her to turn around for me. I guess she was embarrassed.

Katherine in my wig.

Thomas in Katherine's favorite hat.
What can I say... we are a house full of silly willies.
Thank you all for continuing to keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Thomas is undergoing some tests to try to find the source for these high fevers he has been getting for the past 2 months (over 106 at times). And I have been doing okay- heck, I am always doing okay- even when I am in ICU. I have the best family a girl could ask for and that is what matters the most. Think positive and God Bless.


CMS Ken said...

I have congenital myasthenic syndrome. Maybe you should take a look here- cmsken.blogspot.com


Michelle said...

"My Blue Dog..." sounds like a great title for the next big country song. Just think of the video-- starring Maggie of course!

Keep smiling :-)
M & the boys

Anonymous said...

I feel like I am forgetting something BUT (1) you look hot bald, (2) Joe has a young one also had ridiculously high fevers - 104, 105 degrees but I think he just sorta grew out of them...hmmm, can't remember the other thing