Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hairless Me

For months I have been preparing myself to be all bald and beautiful during chemo treatments. Because of the anemia being so severe, they are only going to start me on half the original dose we planned on. We will be watching my blood counts very closely to see if it is enough, and we can always increase the dose as we go forward if needed. I am fine with the decision- although I guess I am concerned that it won't be enough to do the job. Of course one of my first questions was, "will I still lose my hair?". The answer is they don't know. Probably.

All of a sudden I started kind of freaking out. It is like I was so focused on the hair loss that I didn't think about what we are actually doing and all the other side effects of the drug. I have had some time to think about it and I am feeling much better now. The nurses will do a training with me and Jason tomorrow morning while they are giving me fluids before the chemo. Lots of people go through this and I am going to be fine. It is about time something we try works. As my Neurologist said, "it is going to change your life. You are going to be sick as hell, but it is going to change your life". That might not be a direct quote, but that is what I got out of it *smile*. Anyway, I am all for that. Not the sick as hell part, but the change our lives part.

Just to fill everyone in, Tuesday's procedure went just fine. I declined general anaesthesia and went for a local and sedation instead. I remember most of it... but what I remember most was me talking the whole time and all the people in the OR laughing. I am pretty sure I was the queen on inappropriate comments! HA. Imagine that. I felt well enough after to go to Lowe's and Walmart with Jason. Right about when we hit the check out the local wore off. I was like "ouch, why am I in pain?!" I guess the sedation hadn't totally worn off because I seem to have forgotten that I had anything done! Crazy stuff. An endometrial ablation isn't something I would like to do for fun, but it wasn't all that awful, and the sedation did make everything in the world seem really funny for a few hours. Luckily I had my Jason with me to laugh right along and bring me home, tuck me in and bring me hot packs when it started hurting. The kids were happy as could be after spending another day with Nannie and GrandDad. Can anyone ask for more?

PS- Thanks to Chris for getting the music to play on the blog site! I just love it! And Norman, if you are reading this, could you drop me an email to let me know you are okay?
Again, thank you to my parents for always being here. You guys are the best.

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