Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Mama, you are the best in the whole world

Ahhhh, one of those moments we as parents live for. Katherine held me after prayers, grabbed my face and told me there is no other mommy as great as me. I am so glad to be here with them. God blessed us with wonderful, loving, sweet children. Thomas is always offering up his hugs and kisses, and the older Katherine gets, the more kind and loving she becomes. They are both angels sent to earth and keep Jason and me centered and focused on what really counts in this world.

THE BIG NEWS: The day has finally arrived. We are going forward with the cytoxan. The phone rang this morning and it was Dr. Logan. He and Dr. Buff decided that if my blood counts were stable today it was time to move on with the chemo. The IVIg is not holding me more than a few days, and we need to get going on this. The anemia is still not resolved, but since we did the Bone Marrow Biopsy, we are relatively certain that it is safe to go ahead. Dr. Logan will be in charge of the cytoxan orders and Dr. Buff will be focused on the anemia and keeping a close eye on my blood counts. We are going to modify the IVIg- giving me 30 grams over 2 days every two weeks, rather than 60 grams in one day every two weeks. There is a theory that the docs are considering that I am just so depleted that any little thing sends me into a crisis situation, either with the MG or with the anemia. Recently we have avoided anything serious because we have been drawing blood at least once a week, usually twice, and I have been getting these big doses of IVIg every 2 weeks.

Curious why I didn't start the blog with this wonderful news? We are all excited about me getting well... but I am way more excited about the fact that my kids think I am the best Mom ever.

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