Friday, January 4, 2008

2008- A New Beginning

My only resolution this year: To be healthy. I am going to get there.

Today I am going in for another IVIg. Thomas has been on and off sick all week with a stomach bug, so it is really breaking my heart to be away from them today. Katherine will be a school, so she won't miss me much. It will be nice for Thomas to be alone with Daddy in the morning and my parents this afternoon. New and different people to help him build more train tracks!

We are looking at a goal of starting the chemo next Friday, January 11th. I know it sounds odd, but I can't wait. I am so ready to start living my new life- sans MG.


Jess said...

Prayers, good thoughts, beautiful energy flowing your way all the way across the Pacific (you know the trade winds just make all those good wishes pick up speed?!) Love from Jess, Bruce and Aislinn

Garyc said...

Greetings. I have MG. I wish you the best of luck with your IVIG's. I was treated with 12 IVIG's but had nothing to do with chemo. It was immune globulin intravenous. They didn't help my mg. Of course I am on mestinon which is first thing I was put on. Dr wanted also later to put me on predisone but I wanted to try other things first. Finally I was given azathiaprine(imuran) which has been a big help with my overall strength. Hope you get some help and relief soon. gl and tc. garyc