Saturday, March 15, 2008


Claire: 2 IVIg treatments this week, chemo on Friday.
Jason: Sinus infection and bacterial pneumonia.
Katherine: Nasty cough/cold and emotionally raw.
Thomas: Tonsillitis and major separation anxiety.

Somehow both pets are healthy. Thank God my mother in law chose right now to come home to help us. Kind of makes you wonder. She planned to come home before they all got sick. And here I am with one quarter of the immune system that the rest of them have, and I am basically pretty healthy. Other than the whole chemo/MG thing. LOL.

We will be fine, we always are. It has just been a pretty terrible time the last few weeks. Wow. Just when you thing you are at your breaking point, another thing gets added to the mix, and you somehow manage to still hang on. I know so many of you have had really tough winters with kids and parents being sick. My heart goes out to you all!!!! And I am once again so grateful to all of you who have helped out with meals. I am so wiped out by the time the afternoon rolls around, that I just don't have it in me to cook. Forget about grocery shopping.

Not that we aren't managing okay. It is just such a gift to have the help and love around us. As always, I hate to worry everyone- that is why I haven't written more often. It is just a tough time. As Grandma Marian always said, "this too shall pass". It will, and we will survive and keep on smiling. The last thing we want is for people to feel sorry for us. This is just our reality right now, and it will all turn around and then our lives will be even better than they are now. Really, things aren't that bad. We all love each other, and we laugh and have fun together all the time- and that is what matters.

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